Meet Juan & Carolina: Our new Spanish producers from Albacete

Meet Juan & Carolina: Our new Spanish producers from Albacete

A duo like we’ve not had before—life-long friends. She protects endangered Spanish species; he's a soil-loving agronomist. Together, they represent the next generation of olive farmers taking over their family groves.

Farming has a real problem on its hands: it's aging.

Yes, the climate is also a massive threat as are the low prices we've come to expect for food, but none of that matters if we don't have the people to do the work.

Less than 12% of farmers are under the age of 40. The largest majority sits in the "65 years or more" bracket, with women making up less than one-third, according to Eurostat.

So when we at Citizens of Soil come across producers who are not only young, ambitious, and equal, but they're also passionate about the environment and making high-quality oils—we get *extra* excited. 

Meet Carolina & Juan.

This is our second producer now where their surname literally dates them back to their family's ancient ties to olive farming.

Juan Olivares and Carolina Domínguez are old family friends. Their fathers managed these groves before them, and together—they've combined their lands and effort into a united project for the preservation of this to continue for the next generation. 

Carolina went to university to study biology and medical sciences, and then went on to get a masters in olive oil tasting to learn more about making quality oils. 

Outside of farming, she actually works with endangered species in Spain, breeding them and releasing them back into the wild.

Juan, on the other hand, is pure olive. Not only in name, but in his focus as an agronomist who's a self-proclaimed "soil freak". We love that in a partner.

They started to convert their groves to organic back in 2016, but didn't stop there. Their mission became one around biodiversity through regeneration, incorporating animals for better soil health and land management.

Now, they're working hard to support wildlife and prevent the desertification that's destroyed much of this part of Spain—all while making a delicate oil that’s as rich in oleic acid as it is in legacy.

Discovering Albacete.

For all the Brits travelling to the Costa Brava, you can find this little pocket of the world straight inland. About an hour and a half from Alicante or two hours from Valencia, the rocky coasts of the Mediterranean sea fades into the background as you move across the plains of Spain.

Here, in the flat lands around the Sierra de Segura mountain range, you'll find Carolina & Juan's groves. Surrounded by a natural forrest, they're growing their own version—building on their family groves in the village of Hellín in Albacete.

From the pines around them to the aromatic herbs and almonds on their land, they're championing regenerative practices that incorporate some pretty cute creatures, too.

How to use this olive oil

As always, the best way to understand an oil is to get to know it. Put it in a little cup, swirl it around, and have a smell and a sip. (See more on how you should properly taste EVOOs.)

Let the aromas you smell guide you as to what to make with this oil.

This oil sits in our “every day” range of extra virgins—waiting to be poured over a range of dishes.

It also is one of the most delicate ones we've brought over all year, which means it pairs with many things—including desserts or sweeter things like smoothies, yoghurt, or fruit salads.

What the oil tastes like

This delicate oil has low bitterness and bite, but it's high in oleic acid and those lighter, elegant notes. Pour some in a small wine glass, have a swirl, and expect aromas of...

  • Red apple.
  • Sweet almond.
  • Fresh banana.

This is a classic style from the Arbequina variety, known for more delicate and nuanced crowd-pleasing oils.

Don't expect the strong pepper hit of some of our other oils, and the astringency (which is also great!) that we had in our last Sicilian oil won't be found here.

But what'll you'll get is something fresh and subtle, with a short and sweet pepper tingle on the back of your palate.


How to pair this EVOO...

This batch was specifically selected to contrast the more bitter, peppery oils for the season to bring about a fresh, fruity experience.

For these final warm months, enjoy this with fruit salads (we're thinking strawberry & spinach numbers, classic watermelon & feta refreshers, or even with roasted grapes).

It's also beautiful on some flaky white fish with fresh herbs.

And if you're looking for an EVOO to make some homemade mayonaisse—you've met your match here.

A beautiful one for the season and one we're so proud to introduce exclusively to the Olive Oil Club through September.

Join the Olive Oil Club

We travel the world to seek out remarkable independent producers, sourcing some of the best olive oils out there. For a revolving selection of exclusive, small batch EVOOs...

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